Load Instrument State

Load (open) a previously-saved instrument state file (*.state).

Click , then select "Open State".

  • By default, the instrument state is stored in the "Documents" folder on your computer and files are organized by instrument type. For example – C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\Keysight\PathWaveOscilloscope\States\.
  • Within PathWave BenchVue application, instrument state files are stored in a proprietary format with a *.state file extension. An error will be generated if you attempt to load any state files generated by other applications or saved directly from the instrument.
  • To successfully recall a stored state, the model number must match the instrument running at the time of the save operation. If the instrument is not connected or is no longer available at the time of the recall operation, an error will be generated.

Instrument state files previously saved from the earlier (classic) versions of Keysight BenchVue Oscilloscope application are not compatible with the PathWave BenchVue Oscilloscope application.

See Also

Save Instrument State